With over 50 original diagrams and illustrations.
I designed and illustrated tenkara–the book, written by Daniel Galhardo, who introduced tenkara, the japanese style of fly fishing to the U.S. and disrupted the fly fishing industry.

This book is a complete guide to the techniques, gear, history and philosophy of tenkara, the Japanese method of fly-fishing. It is also a manifesto on fly fishing simplicity.

Designed to be interactive, thoroughout the book readers will find QR (quick read) codes that will give access to the videos, podcast episodes and other complementary information to the chapters at hand.

United States Department of the Interior
Wayside Design, Information Graphic Design

to explore design thinking and creativity; and the opportunity to create case studies of best information design practices to share with the interpretation community, the graphic design profession as well
as my design students.

Argentine Food Access Initiative
Brand Identity, Strategy and Participatory Design
Collaboration with doctors in the Dept. of Preventive Medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Center on a healthy food campaign in the Argentine neighborhood of Kansas City, Kansas. Working with staff and community partners we designed the brand identity of the project, infographics and promotional materials for participatory events.

Brand Identity Design
Tenkara USA, Boulder Colorado
Working with the founder of Tenkara to express this simple japanese style of fly fishing to outdoor and fishing market.

National Park Typeface
Working with Rocky Mountain Park rangers, my students, and colleague Andrea Herstowski we created a new typeface designed to mimic the National Park Service signs that are carved using a router bit. Using rubbings from park signage and data from the RMNP’s sign shop we brought this iconic type into the digital realm in the form of an open source shareable (for the first time) computer typeface.

Visit the website and download the typeface at www.nationalparktypeface.com

A complete family with four weights (thin, regular, bold and outline) the typeface has been getting some intial press and has been downloaded from all over the world and in every state in the US.