VISC 402 Studio ︎︎︎ Project 1 |Project 2 | Project 3 | Resources | Drive
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This course is a research and writing-based examination of both informational and expressive uses of graphic design. Projects will emphasize the student’s role as content author, curator, researcher, investigator, interpreter and designer, encouraging the development of an individual voice while prioritizing a critical and professional approach to design work.
An author is the creator of an original work that has been published.
Students will need to engage in a variety of making methods and will be given research prompts exercises, guided research, and projects. The course emphasizes exploring your role and responsibility as a designer, focusing on identifying and developing ideas into concepts and determining the best vehicles (formats) for your projects.
Students will complete three projects exploring voice & expression through typography and type and image relationships:
Weeks 1–5
Authoring a Perspective: Design a Manifesto
Design an expression of your point-of-view as a graphic designer or your “hot take” on design. This can be disseminated in any form (print, screen-based, physical, virtual, etc.) appropriate to your message.
Weeks 6–10
Authoring an Exhibit: Typography in the Public Sphere
Curate a collection of public visual communication into a hand-held, user-paced, printed, temporal experience.
Weeks 11–16
Authoring an Interpretation: Wonderfair Collab
Using one of the products selected byWonderfair, design an artifact and/or experience that tells a story(s) about the object. This story might communicate or reinforce its use, history, meaning, or symbolism, or re-contextualize it entirely.
Authoring a System: City of Missoula Montana
Collaborate with the City of Missoula to create a visual strategy guiding swimmers, paddleboarders, and tubers on safely and legally accessing the Clark Fork River. This project focuses on balancing recreation with conservation, fostering a sustainable relationship between the community and the river.

This course will provide opportunities for students to gain design knowledge and abilities through studio projects and critique presentations. Additionally, lectures, readings, demonstrations, slide presentations, class and group discussions, and personal student meetings will be used.
Generally mondays will be days to introduce projects, concepts; present and discuss work as a group in critique. Wednesdays will often be small group critiques and/or individual presentations of work.
In order to maximize your learning and growth as a designer in this class, active engagement with the coursework is essential. Adopt a serious attitude and be willing to go beyond the assigned tasks. Challenge yourself and embrace the philosophy of learning through hands-on experience. Design is a competitive yet rewarding profession, and this course is designed with that mindset.Expectations include diligent effort every day, not just for grades, but for personal development and skill enhancement.
To truly benefit from this course, it is important to approach it with curiosity, self-initiative, and a dedicated investment of time. The work we will be doing can be time-consuming, occasionally frustrating, and involve iterative making. Trial and Error! Embrace the opportunity to immerse yourself, actively participate, share ideas, and explore new possibilities. If this approach does not resonate with you, it may be worth discussing alternative course options with your advisor.
Effective verbal communication skills are paramount in conveying your ideas to clients and fellow design team members. During critiques, students are expected to come prepared to present their concepts, explain how their design form supports the underlying concept, and describe the processbehind their ideas. Offering feedback to your peers is a privilege. Engaging in both giving and receiving feedback is beneficial. While you do not have to personally “like” someone else’s work, it is crucial toprovide insightful commentary in a respectful and constructive manner.
Be present. During class, lectures, and demonstrations, please work on things related to this class. It is also appreciated that you silent your phone and refrain from distractions such as texting, checking social media, email....Try an put phone away :)
— Attend class on time & stay throughout the whole class period
— Prepared for every class
— Participate in classroom discussions/crits
— Use class time to work on projects
— Maintain a positive & open-minded attitude
— Demonstrate deliberate self-disciplined and timely work habits
— Progressively strive for and achieve the highest standards of quality
Process Documentation
Process is integral to this course. Students are expected to work iteratively and organize their process throughout the semester to use in final project presentations. This includes sketches, research notes, moodboards, prototypes, and project reflections.
Assessment Criteria
Grades for each project will be determined by the collective assessment of several key components:
30% Process & Participation:
Includes demonstrated process of idea development, research, type/image studies, concept development, quantity and quality of sketches. More than just one idea explored, prepared for class and critique participation. I will keep track of your process. Some sort of process documentation will be handed in with each project. This will contain all your sketches, refinements, notes... from each project. Directions will be given specifically for each project. It should be organized, neat and professional.
50% Concept & Product:
Comprehension of problem, originality of solution, appropriateness of solution, typography, visual invention, visual aesthetic, application/translation of concept, followed the assignment sheet or directives given in class.
20% Presentation & Craft:
Presentation of final, neatness, precision, technical proficiency, appropriate materials. Poor craft can reduce a project grade by 1 full grade. Pay attention to detail.