
The activities in this course will center around one project involving the whole semester.

A Brand Identity (as a team or one you designed individually)
where you will visualize the Wilcox Classical Museum’s new brand concept.

A Brand Presentation (either in poster format or as a book/pdf) for display online and eventually in the Art and Design building that communicates your proposal.

This course will provide opportunities for students to gain design knowledge and abilities through studio projects and critique presentations. Additionally, lectures, readings, demonstrations, slide presentations, class and group discussions, and personal student meetings will be used.

Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each session of class.

In the event of any absence, students are responsible for obtaining all missed information, materials, and assignments from the class period(s) during which they were absent. Students who are absent must complete all assignments by the due date originally assigned for the work.

For each class that meets twice per week, only three absences will be allowed for any reason during the course of a given semester. A semester total of four absences in a given class that meets twice per week will result in a penalty of one letter grade in that class. A semester total of five absences in a given glass that meets twice per week will result in a semester grade of “F” in that class. In case of exceptional circumstances, instructors may make exceptions to this policy at their discretion.

A semester total of three “late” marks in any given class will be equivalent to one absence with respect to this policy.

In order to ensure that students are connected with support services at the university when appropriate, and to ensure that students are duly reminded of the possible consequences of continued truancy, instructors should submit an Absence Warning Form after two absences for a class that meets twice per week or after one absence for a class that meets once per week.

Work (even when unfinished) must be displayed during critiques in order to receive a grade. Late work will be lowered one full letter grade for every day that work is not turned in. A student will be given a project grade of “F” for any project that is never submitted.

Excellent (A+ 98–100%, A=94–97%, A– 90–93%)
Good (B+ 87–89%, B= 84–86%, B– 80–83%)
Average (C+ 77–79%, C= 74–76%, C– 70–73%)
Below Average (D+ 67–69%, D= 64–6 6%, D– 60–6 3%)
Failing (F 59% & below)

Completing the minimum requirements outlined on an assignment sheet qualify as “C” level (or average) work. The degree and quality of effort with which a student engages in the different criteria (above or below the minimum requirements) for each assignment determines how well they do.

The central factor in determining your design ability will your understanding of visual concepts as they apply to assignments. The process of designing and how you got there is as important as any final artifact you make.

Please participate. Show me you are curious and you care. Use this opportunity to design a real solution to a real client. Come to class prepared, even if you think your work isn’t where you want it to be...let us help you make it better!

Research and multiple ideations are required for every assignment. It is vital to a successful design solution, as well as your development as a design student. All work must be thoroughly documented. Note: While the computer will usually be the ultimate tool for production, preliminary work will often be done on paper. Mock-ups, thumbnails and sketches are a way of exploring relationships quickly by thinking and making simultaneously. It allows you to see multiple ideas, compare, and arrive at a point in which to select the “best” example to develop further.

Visual Communication Design does not happen in a vacuum. Clear verbal skills are all important in communicating your ideas to clients and design team members. For all critiques, students are expected to come prepared to present their concepts, discuss how the form of their design supports their concept, and describe how they arrived at their ideas. Providing comment to your peers is a privilege. You will benefit from both giving and receiving feedback—you do not have to “like” another’s work, but you must provide insightful commentary in a courteous manner.

Academic Conduct
Please adhere to the rules as listed in the student disruptive conduct policy found at:

Academic Support
Students who have a documented disability as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) can register with the University Academic Support Center (UASC) if they would like to request accommodations. Requests for any accommodations should be filed through the UASC prior to the start of classes or very shortly thereafter. Requests for accommodations are most effective when submitted prior to beginning or immediately after beginning a class. More information regarding requests for accommodations is available at

Requesting Adaptations for Entirely Online Study
Students who determine that they would prefer to complete any course that features an in-person component in an entirely online format should contact the relevant instructor(s) immediately to discuss their preference. Such students should also submit a course adaptations request at this link, which makes an official record of their request with the university and officially notifies the instructor: Course adaptation requests can be made after the start of the semester, but should be made earlier in the semester rather than later if possible.

Students needing special assistance or accommodation should contact the KU Academic Achievement & Access Center office at 864-4064. They are located in room 22 in Strong Hall.

Is copying someone’s work or taking somebody’s idea and trying to pass it off as yours and will result in penalties as outlined in the KU student code of rights and responsibilities.